MUNDUS VINI International Wine Competition

M U N D U S V I N I I n t e r n a t i o n a l W i n e C o m p e t i t i o n

Mundus Vini

We’re thrilled to share the results of the 33rd MUNDUS VINI International Wine Competition, where wine experts from around the globe gathered for a 4-day tasting event that concluded on September 3, 2023. We are overjoyed to announce that our wines have garnered a great success and recognition at this prestigious event!

Our Keburia Saperavi wine has been honored with the Gold Medal, a testament to its exceptional quality and craftsmanship. The Silver Awards have been bestowed upon our Kisi Muscat, Mukuzani and Tsinandali wines, signifying their remarkable excellence.

MUNDUS VINI is a renowned wine competition of global significance. Its mission is to assess the quality of presented wines, recognize them, promote their excellence and reward the talented producers behind them.